Meta widget manual

List the most recent posts with post titles, thumbnails, excerpts, authors, categories, dates and more!

Introduction to the Common Widget Areas in Genesis Child Themes. Manually with an FTP client (File Transfer Protocol transfers files from one location to This plugin allows you to transfer the SEO data (such as title tags and meta 

This keeps people from confusing export files from other widget import/export plugins.

ACFRPW adds a new widget to the Appearance -> Widgets -> ACF Recent It supports custom meta keys and ACF fields; Custom HTML to display after each posts. the function described here:

To use the feature, learn more information in Widget docs. Storing; Initialization; Manual Crop; Shrink Images Before Uploading; Mobile Layout This feature is turned on automatically on pages with the proper tag.

HTML forms using Moose

The Meta widget is a simple widget that makes it easy to log in and log out of your blog, access your dashboard, find your RSS feeds. You access your 

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